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Single-Line Block Token System In Railway



July 2, 2024

  • The Single Line Block Token System is a safety mechanism used in railways to manage train movements on single-track railway lines.
  • Its primary purpose is to prevent collisions and ensure the safe operation of trains on tracks where only one train can operate at a time.
  • This system is widely used in various railway networks, including Indian Railways. Here’s how it works:
  1. Block Sections: The single-track railway line is divided into multiple block sections. Each block section is typically the distance between two signal stations.
  2. Token: Within each block section, there is a physical or digital token. The token serves as permission for a train to enter and occupy that section.
  3. Token Issuance: When a train wants to enter a specific block section, the train crew must obtain the corresponding token from the signal station (also known as the signal cabin) that controls that section. The token can be a physical object (like a key or a tablet) or a digital authorization, depending on the specific system in use.
  4. Token Blocking: Once a train has the token for a particular block section, the signal station at the entrance of that section sets the signals to indicate that the section is occupied and unavailable for other trains. The signal station at the exit of the section also sets its signals to danger to prevent another train from entering.
  5. Token Return: After a train has safely passed through the section, the train crew returns the token to the signal station at the exit, indicating that the section is now clear and available for another train.
  6. Sequential Movement: The system ensures that only one train can occupy a block section at any given time. Trains move sequentially from one section to another, with the availability of tokens controlling their movement.
  • The Single Line Block Token System enforces a strict and disciplined approach to train movements on single-track lines, reducing the risk of collisions.
  • It also ensures that trains are always aware of each other’s positions and can only proceed when the appropriate token is in their possession.
  • This system is vital for the safe and efficient operation of single-track railways, as it prevents conflicting movements and minimizes the risk of accidents.
  • It relies on clear communication, adherence to procedures, and a physical or digital authorization for trains to enter and exit block sections.
