Rubber Bands Last Longer When Refrigerated

Rubber Bands Last Longer When Refrigerated



July 2, 2024

  • Storing rubber bands in the refrigerator can help extend their lifespan, but there are some important factors to consider:
  1. Temperature and Humidity: Rubber bands can degrade over time due to exposure to heat and sunlight, which can cause them to dry out and become brittle. Storing them in a cooler environment like a refrigerator can slow down this process and help prevent the rubber from deteriorating.
  2. UV Exposure: UV (ultraviolet) light from the sun can accelerate the degradation of rubber. Storing rubber bands in a dark and cool place, like a refrigerator, can protect them from UV exposure.
  3. Moisture: While refrigeration can be beneficial for rubber bands, you should be cautious about moisture. Excessive moisture can cause rubber to break down or become brittle, so make sure the rubber bands are stored in a dry environment within the refrigerator.
  4. Packaging: It’s a good idea to store your rubber bands in an airtight container or a plastic bag before placing them in the refrigerator. This will help protect them from moisture and any odors in the refrigerator.
  • It’s important to note that while refrigeration can extend the life of rubber bands, it won’t make them last indefinitely.
  • Over time, rubber bands can still deteriorate, especially if they are exposed to extreme conditions or if they are of poor quality.
  • So, refrigeration is a useful method for preserving rubber bands, but it’s not a permanent solution.
