Salvator Mundi : Most Expensive Painting In The World

List Of Religious Population



July 2, 2024

  • These numbers may have changed since then due to various factors, including population growth and religious conversion.
  • The percentages are approximate, and the order may vary.
  1. Christianity:
    • Total population: Over 2.3 billion
    • Largest branches: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy
  2. Islam:
    • Total population: Over 1.8 billion
    • Largest branches: Sunni Islam, Shia Islam
  3. Hinduism:
    • Total population: Over 1.2 billion
  4. Buddhism:
    • Total population: Over 520 million
    • Major schools: Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana
  5. Sikhism:
    • Total population: Over 30 million
  6. Judaism:
    • Total population: Approximately 15 million
    • Major branches: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform
  7. Bahá’í Faith:
    • Total population: Over 5 million
  8. Jainism:
    • Total population: Over 4 million
  9. Shinto:
    • Total population: Over 3 million (primarily in Japan)
  10. Sikhism:
  • Total population: Over 30 million
  • Other religions, including indigenous and folk traditions, New Religious Movements, and various syncretic beliefs, make up a significant portion of the global population.
